ESRs at ESCAPE2018

ESCAPE28, June 10th to 13th, 2018, Graz, Austria

ESRs of the PRONTO project attended the 28th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering in Graz, Austria. They presented interesting results on optimal batch scheduling, Demand side Management and degradation modelling.

The following talks were given:

  • A heuristic neighborhood search-based approach for the solution of resource-task network scheduling problems, Giancarlo Dalle Ave, Xing Wang, Iiro Harjunkoski, Sebastian Engell
  • A two-stage stochastic programming approach to integrated day-ahead electricity commitment and production scheduling, Egidio Leo, Sebastian Engell
  • Wu, O., Bouaswaig, A.E.F., Schneider, S.M., Leira, F.M., Imsland, L., and Roth, M., 2018, Data-driven degradation model for batch processes: a case study on heat exchanger fouling, European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering 2018 (ESCAPE-28).

The website of the conference and the book of abstracts can be found on .